
Welcome The Delegates of Huabei Oilfield to Visit Wingoil

Last Friday, on July 10, Mr.Zhu Xiaoming, the vice president of technology development bureau of Huabei Oilfield, takes his technicians and experts to visit our company, in order to have a technology exchanges and study about petroluem chemical, authigenic acid, helium leakage detection for drilling, etc.

They praised us and express they want us to participate into more and more technology innovation in Huabei Oilfield.

Vehicle Mounted Hydrostatic Pressure Test System for Oil and Gas

We provide vehicle-mounted hydrostatic pressure test system for oil and gas exploration and exploitation.

It can be available for 250Mpa/36250psi and 100L/min at maximum. It is suitable for hydrostatic test of various wellhead equipment such as blowout preventers, high pressure manifolds and christmas trees.


Wellhead BOP Pressure Test Skid

We have provided a couple of Skid-mounted BOP pressure test equipment for oil and gas sector.and get good feedback from oil drilling and service companies.
The max. test pressure can reach up to 30000psi. 

This skid is also applicable to hydrostatic test forother well head equipment such as christmas tree, blowout prevention pipe, high pressure manifold, etc.



Diesel Compressor Driven Pressure Test Equipment for Manifold

Our diesel compressor driven pressure test equipment for manifold was supplied to the petroleum equipment factory in Yangzhou. The working pressure is 10000psi(700bar).

Contact us: nathan.liu@wingoil.com, +86-23-63089919-5

Hose Hydro Pressure Test Equipment

This is automatic hydro pressure test equipment for high pressure hose we made for domestic clients, the working pressure reaches up to 30000psi.

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Through-pipe Memorized Well Logging Technology

Through-pipe memorized well logging technology is a way to place the logging tools in the nozzle of drilling tool and go down-hole with a drill-down speed.

When the logging tools are down to the bottom, and pushed out to the open hole, data acquisition and memorization completed in the tools while tripping drilling tools. Download logging data collection after logging tools reaches the ground. The development of non-cable memorized well logging technology provides a kind of fast, secure and reliable way for logging horizontal wells, extended-reach wells, small field wells and other complex condition wells.

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Getting more details and illustration, please contact us by email and +86-23-63089919-5